Saturday, April 22, 2006

Life Is Like a Gay Gordons

So somewhere in all of the random words and phrases that spill out of my mouth when no one else is around, I found myself saying "dancing with God" last night as I went to bed. This led my mind down a trail to what Scottish dance would be a good analogy for life, and Gay Gordons seems quite appropriate. A quick run through of the dance for all you Scottish dance innocents: Promenade (walk with your partner) forward 4 steps; Promenade backward 4 steps; Repeat both promenades; Lady twirls under her partners hand; Waltz (ed: polka actually); and Repeat all. (Sorry, guys but this analogy only works right if you let God take the "man's" role in the dance.)

Joining the dance at God's invitation to dance with Him, you have times when life is pretty normal and straightforward, nothing complicated. Then there are times when everything seems backwards, so it's a good thing God's right there by your side. When life gets crazy hectic, you could spin out of control if you don't put our hand in His to keep you centered on track. And then there are the times when you just follow God's lead as He guides you through life (at least that's what you're supposed to do for things to go smoothly).

2006 has definitely been a twirling season for me. Keep that hand up, Sarah.

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