Friday, January 27, 2006

Who me? Weird?

The Scottish dancers are doing a fun game to learn stuff about each other, so I figure I'll post my answers on here each week after they've been revealed. This week's question was, "What is the weirdest thing you have ever done?" After scouring my college yearbooks I recalled the following:

I have taken a bite of a Cheeto being held between someone's toes. At an APA retreat, we were divided into teams and competed in various ways. The winning team got to mete out "punishments" to the losing teams. Not only did we have the fewest points we were the most annoying team because one of the contests was to come up with a cheer, and we kept doing our cheer at random times. If the points had been awarded based on which team had the most fun, we would most certainly have won. Here's the annoying cheer we made up to go with our team name, "Dirty Dozen":
Bang! Bang! Choo choo train!
Come on Dozen, do your thing!
Dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty!
Dozen, dozen, dozen, dozen!
Huh! And let it roll!
(repeat until other teams tackle to silence you)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Happy Birthday, Robert Burns!

Here's a lovely poem Burns wrote on his 34th birthday:

Sonnet Written On The Author's Birthday

On hearing a Thrush sing in his Morning Walk

Sing on, sweet thrush, upon the leafless bough;
Sing on, sweet bird, I listen to thy strain,
See aged Winter, 'mid his surly reign,
At thy blythe carol, clears his furrowed brow.

So in lone Poverty's dominion drear,
Sits meek Content with light, unanxious heart;
Welcomes the rapid moments, bids them part,
Nor asks if they bring ought to hope or fear.

I thank thee, Author of this opening day!
Thou whose bright sun now gilds yon orient skies!
Riches denied, thy boon was purer joys --
What wealth could never give nor take away!

Yet come, thou child of poverty and care,
The mite high heav'n bestow'd, that mite with thee I'll share.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Never drink caffeinated soda on the same day you're running low on your regular prescription medication and a stressful work deadline is going to make you tense and give you adrenaline since you've got to rush to not be horribly late for an already nerve-wracking first date.


Monday, January 09, 2006

It's the little things...

I encountered the following tidbits in my ordinary course of work today:

~ 34567 was an actual end figure I wound up with in a regular monthly worksheet.

~ There is a road in Oklahoma called Flowery Mound Road.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy 2006!

This year my main New Year's resolution is to learn to embroider. I like to make my resolutions fun. Of course, that doesn't always work. I sure didn't learn to knit last year. For bettering myself in more boring ways, my resolutions include taking better care of my teeth and skin before bed and tracking my budget more carefully. People seem to think fitness is a mandatory resolution, but my fitness plans aren't really a resolution because they're mainly just to do water aerobics and I started that in November.