Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Coming soon to a blog near you!

Namely this one. I have started an outline for "Oklahoma: A Travel Journal." This will be a series of blogs similar to my Scotland 2005 blog. The places will be entirely real, but the people and events are fictional. The blogger in this alternate reality will be Nikki Harris of Glasgow, Scotland, who visited Oklahoma this past June with five friends from her line dance club.

Disclaimers: (1) These characters are not intended to represent any real people. According to www.yournotme.com there are 10 real Nikki Harrises in the U.K. None of these are my Nikki Harris. (2) I do not claim to have a good grasp of a Glaswegian's dialect as opposed to an American's. I will make my best effort to avoid Americanisms except when my character intentionally writes them (i.e. the opening "Howdy!" being intentional). I will attempt to use British terminology where it fits.

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